Red Deer, Alberta Canada
Membership in CARFF
CARFF is a group of around 65 enthusiasts and about 200 other affiliate (subscribed) members interested in the Sport of Model Aviation. We have members of all ages! You can subscribe to the Website without getting a Club Membership, and we prefer ALL Club members subscribe to keep up to-date with notifications.
New Members (Pilots)
In order to maximize field safety CARFF requires the following:
A current copy of your MAAC membership card in possession.
CARFF requires membership for all days beyond the second day of flying.
A CARFF Club member must be present to fly as a guest.
New Members (Students)
CARFF welcomes new members interested in our hobby. In order to maximize field safety CARFF offers prospective new pilots the “Wings Training Program”. See Getting Started and Flying at the CARFF Field.
To get started with this program a number of items need to be addressed before training
can start as follows:
Purchase a CARFF membership (below)
We prefer that you contact an instructor before purchasing a plane to ensure the best choice is made to ensure reduced training times and expense.
Club dues: $175.00 for Membership valid Jan 1 to Dec 31 each year.
If joining CARFF after October 1 your CARFF Membership will be valid thru Dec. 31st the following year.
Download Written Membership Application Form Here
By Submitting this application you acknowledge that you accept and will abide by the club's and MAAC's Safety Guidelines and Rules. See Here