Was told to pass this on. He wants a Canadian jet guy to buy it. Hey Guys, For those of you who ever flew at Whidbey, you probably met Brian Richmond. Just got an email from him the other day... He and his son Alex were flying an original Bobcat XL with a Kero Start P120 on it. The P120 has been de-rated to 113k for its entire life, and has something like 25 hours on it. He flew the Bobcat doing rolls on the deck, lots of inverted passes, etc. Anyhow, Brian is moving and wants to unload the Bobcat, and his BVM Sport Shark. He seems to want to sell it all as one for $3kUS, but I'm not sure there's a buyer wanting both, so he'd probably negotiate. He actually let me fly the bobcat once and it's on rails... It once belonged to his brother and was test flown by BVM himself. Has copies of service receipts, and is willing to negotiate a 1-year warranty on the turbine. The sport shark is old-school DF, possibly worthy of an entry-level EDF conversion for someone. It's on 72, and comes with a pre-programmed JR10x. Just thought I'd mention it here if anyone was interested. I told him I'd pass it around. If I hadn't just bought a jet, I'd probably have made him an offer for the bobcat. It may be old, but it's tough and well cared for... If interested PM me and I'll send you his contact info. KW — at Washington.